

Discussion (7)¬

  1. Curtis says:

    First, take care of yourself. I really want to see more of Danielle, but you are more important. :)

  2. jayb says:

    Thanks, Curtis.

  3. man in black says:

    Get well soon Jay

  4. Dragonrider says:

    Regain your health my friend, Vampires don’t like to snack on the sick and unhealthy.

  5. Ken says:

    Wow – talk about a good excuse! Get well, the story will wait.

  6. jayb says:

    Thanks everybody. I’m feeling better, but my energy level is still pretty low. I’ll have a new page up on July 3.

  7. Curtis says:

    Thanks. I am looking forward to it. You won’t mind if I keep voting on topwebcomics in the mean time? ;)
