

Happy Saturday, and Happy New Year, everybody!

Sorry this is a day late, and it is not what I had planned to post. I really tried to get a new page of Danielle Dark ready to post, but time got away from me. It seems like I aways underestimate to number of things I have to do when I get back from vacation. Add to that unexpected things like food poisoning to the mix and… well, you get the idea.

I’m finally feeling better, so I thought I would post a few photos I took while in Alaska spending Christmas with my wife’s brother and family. We had a great time, and are looking forward to going there again.

Thanks for being patient.

Discussion (3)¬

  1. Curtis W. Garrett says:

    Looks like a nice vacation. Although, personally, I would prefer to go there in the Summer. That will teach you about eating left overs from before you left for vacation. Glad to hear you’re feeling better. Happy New Year!

  2. man in black says:

    No worries Jay, the holidays overwhelm everyone

  3. Ayshara says:

    I’ll be waiting until next week, no worries :)
