

Once again, it is Friday. It has been a screwed up week for me. I’ve been fighting with a lot of allergy problems, and some sort of nagging intestinal bug. I haven’t been sick enough to miss any work, but by the end of the day I’ve been sapped. As a result, this week’s page will be a filler. I’m not too happy with the results. I was trying for a kind of 1940s pinup style pose and feel. It needs work, but at least it’s something to post. Sorry, but I just didn’t have it in me this week. I’m sure I’ll be back up to speed next week.


Have a great weekend, and thanks for reading.

Discussion (3)¬

  1. man in black says:

    great pin up

  2. Tigershark06 says:

    Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well Jay, hope you get better soon! She looks like she’s saying “Oops I did it again!” LOL!

  3. Caseyorourke says:

    I think the picture has a cute and adorable look. I can see the “Oops” mentioned above, but I also see looks of “Caught me with my hand in the cookie jar” and “Yes, I’m a naughty girl.”


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