

Happy Saturday, everybody.

I had hopes of posting this Friday morning, but our new kitten had other ideas. The only times I was able to work on the comic was when he was asleep. Apparently, the movements of my hand with the drawing tablet stylus are just too much of a temptation for Teddy. After a few fruitless efforts to keep him from getting on my desk and attacking my hand, I finally waved the white flag and surrendered.

I’ll try to get back to a regular schedule. That is, if Teddy takes frequent naps.

Have a great week end, and thanks for reading Danielle Dark.

Discussion (6)¬

  1. CanuckAmuck says:

    My dad: “Just walk it off.”

  2. Curtis says:

    Unless she was standing close enough to touch him,
    she is a hell of a shot. 3 shots, close pattern, in the head

  3. jayb says:

    Curtis: It was several pages ago, but Amy told Danielle she could shoot. She added that her husband said she was a better shot than he was. I know some ladies who can make that kind of shot.

  4. jayb says:

    CanuckAmuck: That would take quite a walk. LOL!

  5. Martin L. says:

    He is lucky. Danielle did not get to him first.

  6. jayb says:

    Martin L.: You’re right. Amy was direct and to the point. Danielle would have made his end far more brutal.
